Our talents, thoughts, and time for the glory of God and love for all.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bible Discussion #1

At a recent camp I went to, the campers were each given a set of MCQ questions. We were told to do the questions individually and choose the best answer for each question. After we were done, we were to discuss with our groups, and if our answers differed, we were supposed to convince the group that our answer was the right one (if we weren't convinced to think otherwise ourselves).

The result of this exercise was a realisation that we did not know our bibles as well as we thought we did. Many times, we had just put the answers our churches had drilled into our heads, and not because we had discovered that these answers were what we truly believed, based on what the bible says. Also, we found that the answers we believed in could have come about because we knew/liked some books of the bible better than others, and so our answers were based on those books alone (not on the bible as a whole).

I found this really helpful in increasing my desire to know the Word so I'll be putting up the questions periodically so that we can discuss them. Feel free to comment with your answer and why you put it! :)

This discussion is meant to be one that will help each of us to gain more knowledge on the bible and on the different perspectives others may have on the same topics. I'm hoping it will push us to desire to improve our understanding of the bible as a whole. So please be open and friendly in your discussion! :)

What was God's purpose in creating the world and man?

a. Don't know, only God knows
b. To do His will and obey Him
c. To glorify Himself, whatever "glorify" means
d. In order to save it
e. For the pleasure in the enjoyment of His creation


  1. c.
    all things are done for His glory!

  2. Just a few biblical references to help with the discussion!

    Isaiah 43:6b-7
    "Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth— everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."

    Psalm 19:1-2
    "The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
    Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they display knowledge."

  3. hmm just wondering, what exactly does "glorify" mean? that was one question that came up during the discussion on these questions. does it mean like to honour?

  4. hmm...something like that? to give due praise and honour because God is, afterall, God - the only true and living god, the Highest being and Creator of all.
    in human terms it might sound narcissistic, but God is Most Glorious, and cannot act otherwise. He must do all things that will declare His glory to the max (for lack of a better phrase :/ ) or it wld be like lying.
