Our talents, thoughts, and time for the glory of God and love for all.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bible Discussion #2

Reminder: This discussion is meant to be one that will help each of us to gain more knowledge on the bible and on the different perspectives others may have on the same topics. You don't have to limit yourselves to the answers given if you think there's a better answer. I'm just hoping this discussion will push us to desire to improve our understanding of the bible as a whole. So please be open and friendly in your discussion! :)

What is the good news that we are to proclaim?

a. That Jesus died for the sins of the world
b. That sinners can go to heaven
c. We now have direct access to God
d. God will make a new heaven and a new earth
e. God reaches out to reconcile creation to Himself


  1. can i say
    all of the above? :)

  2. I think they all fall under the category of THE GOSPEL :D

    Which is the great news centered around Jesus Christ. Hence all of the above too!
